
About Us

Welcome to the Real Property Section of the State Bar Association of Georgia. Our knowledgeable and involved attorneys are dedicated to educating and providing up-to-date resources for commercial and residential practitioners. We encourage new members and law students to join the RPLS to enjoy its benefits and participate in its committees. Section member dues are only $35/year.

Why Join the Real Property Section of the State Bar of Georgia?

Educational Opportunities and Events

Our section provides educational resources and opportunities including seminars, annual scholarships that are awarded to one real estate student from each of Georgia’s law schools, newsletters, a webinar series, “meet and greets”, “lunch and learns” and more.

Legislative Improvements

Section leadership works to improve the law by proposing legislation relevant to the real estate industry, resolving ethical concerns, and coordinating pro bono opportunities at the state and national levels.

Practice-Related Liaisons

The Section collaborates with other practice-related groups such as GRECCA, GMBA, GAR, and ALTA.

Readily-Accessible Resources

Our website provides members with easy-to-access resources such as Formal Advisory Opinions, the updated Title Standards, Georgia’s Model Real Estate Opinion, practice handbooks for residential practitioners (Residential Closing and Trust Accounting), basic real estate forms, and past Section newsletters.

What our members are saying

"Being a Member of the Section provides you with a wealth of resources from a variety of practitioners. Membership will help you keep up-to-date on important current issues and emerging legislation and regulations impacting your practice. Finally, Membership in the Section provides you with community and belonging that in these COVID and post-COVID times of separation, are more important and more lacking than ever."

Matt Mashburn

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Our Members

Over 3,000 attorneys in the commercial and residential real estate space have joined our section.
Stuart Gordan
McCalla Raymer Leibert Pierce, LLC


Tenise C. Chung
Rubin Lublin, LLC


Beth Jones
Beth Jones Law
